Thursday, 27 August 2009

Sneeky feelings

WE NOW INTERRUPT THIS BLOG UPDATE: it's day 2 of the use all food project [tentitivly titled food/faith project] Last night split pea dahl & rice (alot of leftovers) and free student lunch today. Dinner at CanTeen (the society not the place) and they gave me more to add to leftover pile. Tomorrow = sausage rice surprise leftover special. From then, who knows? What I do know is that I'll be keeping you posted.


I've written before about the past time of social network stalking, especially ex stalking (cmon everybody does it)

I had a bit of a moment, just a few minutes ago. I was a on a friends page, not a very good friend, actually he used to boarderline stalk me (but that's another story) and I saw in his friends box a girl who had a display picture with my what looked like my ex boy in it. It was like I was a robot, or possesed, or a crazy ex. But you guessed it people, I clicked anyway.

Let's give this story abit of background. I and, shall we call him le carrot dated for maybe 3 months... 2 and a half years ago. And that was fine, after the intial awkward time because we lived in the same hall of residence. We got over it, I got over it. I got other boyfriends. I got engaged. But I clicked anyway...

He has a girlfriend, her page wasn't secure so i could view it and it's true. He even called her 'babe' (fingers down throat moment). You know what I mean. Ok so it's a double standard on my part, it's pretty legit get another other half , it's a fact of life. There's all these questions - is she prettier? do his friends like her more? Why is going out with her, he never goes out with anyone?

Is this normal? Do other people feel this way? Should exs be banned from Facebook?

Though I did have the slightly smarmy feeling when posting my relationship status as 'engaged' and him posting a comment. And I do have a pretty ring, and Kieran doesn't have what was commonly titled by many of my friends as "shit locks" lazy mans dreadlocks [read: 3 dreadlocks that occur when one does not brush his hair] and Kieran doesn't spend our going to the zoo money on smokes.

I'm feeling better already.......

1 comment:

One Fine Weasel said...

Yes exes should be banned from FB. You are not alone in your weirded feelings though, did you see the recent postcard on this subject on PostSecret? (

PS the word verification is 'ERECK', how's that for a spooky coincidence!