Tuesday, 8 September 2009

When i grow up

Sometimes I feel as if I do not know what I want to do in life. How does one decide this? Or do people go through life in jobs they hate just for the sake of partisipating in the labour force?

FML, since starting on internship I've finished one story and half done another two. Coinsidently they have all been on school related topics. Up-side is that I'm allowed actual breaks unlike everyone of my jobs bar one. And there's sometimes food.

I have come to the conclusion that I want to be a professional learner, to just study some interesting things and if I do by chance have to enter the work force, I will be so well skilled that I can be something cool, like a professer. Those who can't do teach right? Therefore, I can talk down to people in fancy words and everyone will by default think I'm cool.

Even my bloggability is slipping. FML

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