Sunday, 6 September 2009

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I'm paranoid about tomorrow

Tomorrow is internship. Andrei is not scared, I however am.

I have many questions for you all:

1. Should I bake cupcakes tonight and take 3 or 4 in the hope that someone may remark that they look great. Then want to be my friend when I give them one?

2. Is it ever ok to wear a hot-pink pencil skirt to a professional job?

3. Should I take my vast post-it collection tomorrow? Or wait a few days?

4. Will I be invited to after-work drinks?

5. Will I start reading Perez Hilton and start using the words "scrummy" and "nom noms"?

6. Should I take up smoking so I have an excuse to hang out with my co-workers?

There's a reason why doctors say nervous dispositioned people shouldn't consume caffeine....

On a lighter note: you can't spell slaughter without laughter

1 comment:

One Fine Weasel said...

Oh! I didn't realise you were off to the Big Bad Land of the Grown Ups tomorrow! Good luck old bean!

To answer your questions:

2-5: yes.
6: no.
1: wait til Friday. They will love you forever.

Don't forget to pop in and see us sometimes.
