I must admit, that this post was inspired in part about a post I read the other about the very impressive and slightly time consuming blog stalking.
Good effort
One Fine WeaselSocial networking is about keeping up with friends.
That's what social networking is about right?
Wrong, social networking is about stalking people.
In the old days people called get 'keeping abreast' or 'keeping up with the play' with the lives of their friends and neighbours.
I prefer the term stalking. However, it's generally not the 'crazy eyes' or the cases we see on the television news. (just as a side point, please please never search crazy eyes on google images)
It all starts fairly innocently, you log to facebook/myspace/bebo [insert your obscure choice here] for what you think may be a 5 minute check, turns into HOURS.
Then as you check you startup page, you start wondering what Phil/Matt/samantha is up to then what their friends are up to, then who the friends of friends are up, the who the friends friends mother's are up to which in turn creates a horrible vortex flow on effect. (What an impressive run on sentence that was)
And then there is the potential for the ever present social gaff, the dreaded ex 'situation'. The internet is like the worst thing for exs and doomed-to-be-forever crushes. It used to be the only thing you had to worry about was seeing them on the street but now there are a miriad of ways to get the wonderful 'i wish the ground would open up and swallow me up' feeling.
There's the old-hat methods of drunk texting/calling but NOW there's also drunk facebooking which has the two pronged effect of either making you leave cringeworthy messages or over-checking their page.
Now you can find out exs numbers, relationship status, what parties they've been at and read their comments. Funnily enough that doesn't make you feel any better about the breakup. (unless they've now became unemployed and simultaneously contracted strange facial warts)
I must love you and leave you now,
P.s is anyone stalking my blog. Not counting George (because she has to) and prehaps Robyn (because we're in the same class) I'd love you know about it.
P.P.S Any funny stalking experinces?